Real Soultions for Real Success
About Us

How we serve...


We help our clients address issues, solve problems and develop solutions. That's right, real solutions for real success. Regardless of the need, it is our mission to develop assistance based upon your current reality. Be it operational, organizational, or strategic needs, we work with our clients to develop reality-driven methods of assistance based upon the individual identity of each organization to make it possible to achieve success.

Why do organizations fail to achieve what they desire? Why, despite the best of intentions, do organizations not improve and grow? Why does senior management not seem to be on the same page with middle management or the workforce as a whole? Why do so many major organizational initiatives fail to accomplish anything other than massive expenditures?

The answers to these and many other questions are simple: failure to recognize both Internal and external realities. At Reality-Driven Consulting, we help bring the goals of our clients together with the reality of their very existence to achieve real success.

Reality-Driven Consulting sincerely believes that true success can only be achieved if our clients understand both their internal and external realities. We provide services to evaluate both areas of reality, and then design solutions that allow our clients to achieve the success they deserve in a very efficient, effective and secure manner.

What we are...

  • Steeped in experience impacted by ignored reality. Our experience in government and corporate America has presented opportunities to participate in many successful, as well as failed, projects. These opportunities have entrenched valuable lessons that we share with our clients to provide real solutions for real success.
  • A firm that has seen the results of a command-and-control organization trying to convince the world and, worse yet, its dedicated workers, that they are somehow a different type of organization. Each time our experience has encountered this situation, the end result has been something less than desired, if not a complete failure.
  • Steadfast in the belief that there is nothing wrong with having any type of organization style (command and control, functional, etc.) as long as it is your reality. To attempt to be something other than what the organization is and wants to be is both counterproductive and dishonest - dishonest to management, as well as the organization as a whole, and creates a level of tension, which interferes with the achievement of success.
  • People that have experienced the results of a functional organization trying to convince everyone they are somehow a different type of organization. Again, the results are less than desirable, while at the same time creating confusion and chaos as the functions no longer understand their role in the business.
  • All too familiar with an organization’s continued pressure to produce increased earnings through business development and expansion of the business while at the same time being completely unwilling to assume the risks to achieve such. This dichotomy creates organizational confusion, wastes immense amounts of time, and fails to grow the business. There is nothing wrong with being a conservative, risk averse organization if that, "in reality", is desired. If the organization pursues opportunities that, "in reality", do not fit the chosen risk profile, the result is confusion and inefficiency, both internally and externally.
  • Firmly of the belief you have to and should be who you are, because that is your reality. If you're a command-and-control organization, your organization and the world will expect you to conduct business in that manner. The organization will quickly see through hours spent in attempts to convince stakeholders of required buy-in for new initiatives, when they know the decisions have already been made.

What we are not...

Reality-Driven Consulting LLC -

  • - is not focused on flooding an organization with massive numbers of staff to maximize billing. Adding more inexperienced people to a process does not improve the chances for success or faster results.
  • - is not focused on the next assignment by feeding our client data they want to hear that has no basis in reality. Getting the next assignment by sacrificing the current assignment does nothing to improve the chances for success.
  • - is not focused on attempting to force a preconceived or artificial management structure/style on the client, ignoring the reality of who they are or can be. Attempting to make a client something they are not and do not want to be, in conjunction with efforts to achieve business objectives, does nothing to improve the chances for success.
  • - is not focused on shying away from honest, experienced advice, because of its impact to our firm financially on any given project. Our success is directly related to the value that we bring to your organization.

What we provide...

First, and foremost, we help our clients confirm and understand both their internal and external reality.

Identify how current plans may or may not be influenced by such reality.

We focus and facilitate all areas of the organization to make certain that success can be achieved.

We identify an effective and achievable strategy, allowing the organization to move forward.

We ensure clear and effective teamwork, creating the unity of purpose necessary to achieve and maintain success.

We allow your organization to be viewed as ultimately competent and confident internally and externally.

